Despite the global COVID pandemic, our Committee has been busy in 2021 with a number of other projects not previously featured on our website, including:
February 24 - Committee members and friends from Archangel participate in a ZOOM lecture sponsored by US Embassy Moscow about the life and paintings of Maine artist Winslow Homer.
March 29 - Our Committee donates a cookbook to the Westbrook School Department's Multi-Cultural Cuisine Program.
April 12 - We participate in "Four Cities for Peace" (4C4P) ZOOM conference sponsored by the Volgograd State University about Russian and American activities and cooperation in space.
April 21 - We participate in a 4C4P ZOOM conference sponsored by the Archangel Northern Arctic Federal University (NArFU) about Russian and American cooperation in World War II.
April 22 - NArFU students ZOOM with Bowdoin students about American life and culture.
April 26 - We participate in a sister city ZOOM presentation about wooden canoes; speakers are Tim Spahr from the Cape Porpoise Maine Archaeological Alliance and Mikhail Gerasimov from the Archangel Northern Maritime Museum.
April 28 - The Cleveland sister city program hosts a 4C4P ZOOM event to promote planning for a virtual youth project in 2021.
May 8 - Dima Akishev and Svetlana Akisheva publish a new book in Archangel titled "Archangel: 100 Days of War". The book covers events from June 22, 1941 to September 29, 1941 (the date of the Moscow Conference that formalized the Lend-Lease Program). The cover of the book features a painting of the Liberty Ship "Edward H. Crockett" in Portland Harbor after being launched on January 25, 1944; the ship was sunk by a German U-boat on an Arctic Convoy on September 27, 1944. The painting was provided by the Maine Historical Society.

May 9 - Archangel commemorates Victory Day 76 and we send written greetings from Westbrook World War II Army Veteran Elmer T. Graffam, who fought in Europe. Flowers are placed at the Archangel Eternal Flame in the name of Sergeant Graffam.
May 20 - The Greater Portland Chess Club participates in the Second Annual Chess Tournament sponsored by Archangel with several of its sister cities. Our local Club joins clubs from Archangel, Ashdod (Israel), Jermuk (Armenia), Slupsk (Poland), Emden (Germany), and Sukhum (Abkhazia).
May 22 - The Cleveland sister city program hosts a second 4C4P ZOOM event promoting a 2021 virtual youth project.
June 27 - Archangel City Day 437
July 17 and 18 - Virtual on-line Forum hosted by the Archangel International Project for the Preservation and Developmemt of Wooden Boat Building ("Matitsa").
August 31 - DERVISH 80